
Five Ways to Optimise Your Product Pages on Shopify

The product page is the most important page on your Shopify website. Why? Because, it’s the last step in your customer’s journey that could make or break their decision to purchase. In this article, we’re going to give you five ways to optimise your product page.

Let’s start with the easiest and quickest way to optimise your product page:

1. Provide detailed product descriptions

When we refer to your product descriptions, we don’t just mean that little sentence that sits below the product title, we mean every piece of text that describes your product: the sourcing, how-to guide, brand information, size guides… You get the idea!

There are multiple benefits of in-depth product descriptions, the first being great SEO; the more keywords and phrases you mention in your descriptions, the higher you’ll rank!

It’s worth noting that Google does not like duplicate content when it comes to ranking in search, so make sure all your descriptions are unique.

But, if you need any assistance with your SEO, we have a fantastic team at Velstar who can help you with this – get in touch!

The second benefit being you’ll prevent any frictions and blockers from your customers not knowing what your product does/feels like/looks like. Product descriptions paired with an immersive product gallery are a match made in heaven.

What size shirt is the model wearing? What’s the thread count? How does it feel? All this information is perfect for the product description, but also perfect for the customer to know!

Take a look at Zooki, for example, they do an exceptional job with their product descriptions.

Each product showcases nutritional information, specific ingredient breakdown, directions for use and the tangible benefits you will see from their products.

More so, Zooki pairs their product descriptions with immersive graphics and illustrations to ensure their customers can easily digest the information (pun intended).

When writing your product descriptions, ask yourself: “Does this information benefit my customer?” If the answer is yes, then include it!

Want to take this to the next level? Include a frequently asked questions element highlighting the most popular questions regarding delivery, returns, and warranty. Not only does this reduce the havoc wreaked on your customer service team, but it will also ensure customers don’t need to leave the page to discover vital information.

2. Include a clear call to action

As e-commerce marvels, you already know what a “call to action” is, right? Well, here’s a brief overview in case you aren’t familiar with the term. A call to action or CTA button informs your users what the next step in their journey will be. For example, this could be to prompt them to add an item to their cart, complete a purchase, or even drop you a message!

One of the most important CTA buttons will be that large, bold, “Add to cart” button on the product page.

This solidifies the next step for your users and lets you know “hey! I want this, and I’m getting ready to pay for it”. Since this is undoubtedly one of the most important CTA buttons, it’s important it’s optimised!

Here’s a checklist that you can run through to ensure your CTA buttons are optimised:

  • Is the wording in your buttons clear and concise?
  • Are your buttons positioned above the page fold?
  • Do your CTA buttons have their dedicated colour?
  • Do your CTA buttons have both hover and focus states?

Yes to all the above? Well, great news: your CTA buttons are optimised!

However, if you’re looking to take this one step further, why not introduce a ‘sticky’ CTA button? A ‘sticky’ CTA button remains in the same location as the user begins to scroll down the page. This is a great method to ensure your users can continue their journey without having to scroll back and forth – this provides an essential benefit for the “Add to basket” button on mobile designs.

Whilst this tip is technically associated with your CTA buttons, as it’s practically a gold mine for conversions, we thought it deserved its point! That’s right, we’re talking about one-click checkout.

3. Allow for one-click checkout

One-click checkout is not a new feature in the e-commerce world, but it’s a feature that’s becoming more commonly used, and you’ve probably seen it on your favourite stores; that little black button that says “Pay with Apple Pay” – yes, that’s the one. Introducing these onto your product page will allow for a streamlined user journey and will also help to reduce the number of customers who abandon their cart.

According to Shopify, 26% of people who abandon their cart do so because the checkout process was too long. On top of that, another 7% exit the page because their preferred payment methods weren’t accepted. One-click checkout removes this hurdle and offers your customers the opportunity to pay with their saved details.

That sounds like a no-brainer, right? We think so too!

Now that we’ve covered the quick wins, let’s talk about long-term wins! These are tips that may take longer to act, but the results are worth it.

4. Use social proof (reviews, UGC, awards, etc)

You make an amazing product, and you’re sure your customers love it too, so why not showcase this content on your product pages? We’re talking about User Generated Content.

These days, User Generated Content (UGC) is more than just reviews on your website. It’s TikTok unboxing, YouTube Shorts, Testimonials, Rees, etc. This is all original content that is created by your customers that can be showcased on your product pages! It’s the blue ribbon badge for your best-in-show pup!

UGC is a proven method to aid conversion, signify trust, and showcase brand loyalty. It’s 21st-century word of mouth, after all, people trust people. According to Tinup, 93% of marketers agree that consumers trust content created by customers more than content created by brands.

You can take your UGC one step further and introduce shoppable-UGC. With e-commerce powerhouse, Yotpo, you can showcase customer photos, videos, and reviews with a visual marketing platform that offers shoppable options to engage customers and enhance your brand.

Okay, so what happens when you don’t have any UGC (yet)?… Well, a few things. First, avoid writing fake reviews or creating in-house content that mimics the look of UGC. Your customers will spot this from a mile away, and this could be detrimental to your brand.

Why not offer your customers an incentive to leave a review? This could be in the form of a giveaway, free products, or a discount code. But just make sure to follow the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) advertising regulations when doing this, as you may cause more damage than good.

5. Conduct user research

Last but not least, let’s talk about user research – this could undoubtedly be the biggest way to optimise your product page, both in terms of budget spent and time required, but also in return in revenue.

There are many forms of user research, and you’re probably already doing a high-level version of it through Google Analytics and Hotjar. But today, we’re talking about directly communicating with your customers. This can be done through usability testing, observational studies, surveys, and workshops. By conducting user research, you will collect both qualitative and quantitative insights into how they experience your store.

First, let’s break down qualitative and quantitative research…

Qualitative research is research that is non-numerical data, research that tells you the ‘why’. For example, you could interview a small number of users to understand their pain points and frustrations and examine their stress levels when shopping on your Shopify store.

Whilst quantitative research is research that is structured through data. For example, you may ask: “How often do you buy a new pair of shoes?”, this allows you to find data-driven patterns in your customers’ behaviour. However, it’s worth noting that quantitative data alone doesn’t expose deeper human insights, only numeric statistics.

Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research allows you to have a sharp understanding of your customers’ frustrations and pain points, whilst also discovering new frustrations that your own biases didn’t see.

There’s value in conducting user research during all stages of a project, as you want to ensure your customers respond well to each new feature or change you make to your store. But, if you’re starting a large-scale redesign, then the earlier the research, the more impact your findings will have.

Your Shopify conversion optimisation experts

After reading this article, you now have actionable advice on how to optimise your product pages. The next step is to implement these tips to start driving more sales.

If you don’t have the time or are unsure of where to start, reach out to our conversion optimisation experts today. We’d be happy to help!

Speak to Velstar and boost your Shopify store’s conversion rate today

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